As Slashdot has pointed out, life is now imitating The Onion. Never ones to miss a toilet humour opportunity, Slashdotters responded in droves. My personal favourite posting:
RandomGuy: Hey, I really gotta go. Can somebody clear a stall?Posted by timo at May 3, 2003 08:09 AM | TrackBack
From Stall #1: Sorry, checking my email. I'll be a few minutes.
From Stall #2: I'm busy trading my life away on ETrade, piss off!
From Stall #3: *fwap* Almost *fwap* done! *fwap*
From Stall #4: We're out of paper in here, I'm contacting technical support!
RandomGuy: (Eyes crossed, making odd grunting noises, Exits)